How to Remove Glue From a Table: Top 7 Methods That Work

A table is a versatile piece of furniture that serves multiple functions in any home, from dining to working and crafting. Be it a wooden table or a marble table, over time, it’s common for tables to accumulate super glue, wood glue, or glue residue from stickers, adhesives, or DIY projects. Removing glue from a table can be a daunting task, especially if you’re unsure of the right method to use. However, with the right tools and techniques, you can successfully restore the table’s original look and feel. So let’s go in-depth about some tried & tested methods to remove glue from a table

In this article, we’ll explore some effective methods to remove glue from a table, including using natural solvents like vinegar or lemon juice, applying heat, using commercial adhesive removers, and more. Additionally, we’ll provide tips on how to prevent glue buildup on your table in the future.

glue on a table

Necessary Supplies to Remove Glue From a Table:

Clean Rags:

Using clean rags is an effective way to remove glue or superglue from a table, especially if the glue is still wet or fresh. Simply use a clean rag to blot up as much of the glue as possible, being careful not to spread it around.

clean rags

White Vinegar:

White vinegar is a versatile household product that can also be used to remove glue from a table.

white vinegar


Mayonnaise is a surprising household item that can be used to remove glue from a table. Simply apply a generous amount of mayonnaise to the affected area and let it sit for several hours or overnight.


Orange Peels:

Orange peels can also be used to remove glue or hot glue from a table due to their natural oil and acidity.

orange peels

Sand Papers (600 grits and 1200 grits):

Sandpaper can be used to remove glue from a table, particularly if the glue is thick or hardened. To do this, you will need 600-grit and 1200-grit sandpaper.


Soft Cloth:

A soft cloth is a great tool to remove glue from a table, especially if the glue is fresh and hasn’t hardened yet.

Wood Finish:

Wood finish can be used to get adhesive off a table, especially if the glue has already dried and hardened.

wood finish


Acetone is a powerful solvent that can be used to remove glue from a table, especially if the glue is stubborn and has hardened. However, acetone should be used with caution, as it can also damage the finish or the wood of the table if not used properly.


Glue Remover:

Using a glue remover specifically designed for removing adhesives can be an effective method for removing glue from a table. These products are readily available at most hardware stores and are formulated to break down the chemical bonds in the glue, making it easier to remove.

glue remover

Face Mask:

Wearing a face mask when removing glue from a table is a good idea, especially if you are using a strong adhesive remover or sanding the surface. This is because some glue removers and sanding dust can be harmful if inhaled, causing irritation or respiratory issues.

face mask


Wearing gloves when removing glue from a table is important to protect your hands from any potential irritation or damage caused by the adhesive remover or sanding dust.



A hairdryer can be used to soften the glue and make it easier to remove from a table.


Plastic Scraper:

Using a plastic scraper is a great way to remove glue from a table without causing any damage. The flexibility and smooth edges of the scraper allow you to gently lift the glue from the surface without scratching or gouging the table.

plastic scraper


Using tape to remove glue from a table is a simple and effective method.


Cotton Swab:

Using a cotton swab to remove glue from a table can be a precise and effective method, particularly when working with small areas or intricate designs.

cotton swab

Lemon Juice:

Using lemon juice to remove glue from a table can be an effective and natural method. The acid in lemon juice can help break down the glue, making it easier to remove. It’s also a safe and non-toxic option.

lemon juice


Salt can be used to remove glue from a table by creating a paste with it. Mix salt with a small amount of water to create a paste, and apply it to the glue stain.


Methods to Remove Glue from a Table Effectively:

Removing glue from a table can be a daunting task, but with the right methods and tools, it can be done effectively. There are several methods available to remove glue from a table, ranging from natural remedies to chemical solutions. It is important to choose the method that is suitable for your table’s material and the type of glue used.

The top 7 methods are given below:

How to Remove Glue from a Table Using White Vinegar?

Here are the step-by-step instructions to remove glue from a table using white vinegar:

Mix the Solution:

Mix equal parts of white vinegar and warm water in a bowl.

Apply Solution:

Soak a soft cloth or sponge in the vinegar solution and apply it to the glue on the table.


Allow the vinegar solution to sit on the glue for a few minutes to allow it to break down the adhesive.


Gently scrub the glue with the cloth or sponge until it starts to come off.


Rinse the area with clean water to remove any vinegar residue.

Repeat if Necessary:

If the glue is stubborn, repeat the process until it’s fully removed.


Once the glue is removed, wipe the area with a dry cloth to prevent water damage to the table.

Perform a Spot-test First:

Remember to test the vinegar solution on a small, inconspicuous area of the table before applying it to the entire surface to ensure it doesn’t damage the finish.

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How to Remove Glue from a Table Using Mayonnaise?

remove glue from a table using mayonnaise

Here are the steps to remove glue from a table using mayonnaise:

Apply Mayonnaise:

Apply a thick layer of mayonnaise to the glue stain on the table.


Allow the mayonnaise to sit on the glue for several hours or overnight. The oils in the mayonnaise will help break down the glue.

Wipe Away:

Use a soft cloth to wipe away the mayonnaise and the glue.


Use a damp cloth to clean the area and remove any residue.

Repeat if Necessary:

If the glue is stubborn, repeat the process until it’s fully removed.


Once the glue is removed, wipe the area with a dry cloth to prevent water damage to the table.

It’s important to note that this method works best for small glue stains. For larger glue stains, it’s recommended to use a different method, such as the vinegar method.

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How to Remove Glue from a Table Using Orange Peels?

While it’s not as commonly known, here are the steps to remove glue from a table using orange peels:

Rub Orange Peels:

Take a fresh orange peel and rub it over the glue on the table. The natural oils in the orange peel will help break down the adhesive.


Allow the orange peel oil to sit on the glue for several minutes.

Wipe Away:

Use a soft cloth to wipe away the orange peel and the glue.

How to Remove Glue from a Table Using Sandpaper?

remove glue from a table using sandpaper

While sandpaper can be used to remove glue from a table, it’s important to note that this method should be used as a last resort, as it can damage the table’s surface. Here are the steps to remove glue from a table using sandpaper:

Use 600 Grit First:

Choose a fine-grit sandpaper, such as 600 grit. Gently sand the glue with the sandpaper until it starts to come off.

Use Back and Forth Motion:

Using a back-and-forth motion with sandpaper is a technique that can be used to remove glue, paint, or other substances from a surface without damaging it. Hold the sandpaper firmly in your hand or wrap it around a sanding block.

Apply Medium Pressure:

Apply medium or light pressure to the sandpaper and begin moving it back and forth over the glue. Keep your hand flat and move it back and forth in a straight line. Do not use circular motions, as this can create scratches on the surface.

Switch to 1200 Grits:

Switching to 1200-grit sandpaper can help to further smooth out the surface after removing the glue with 600-grit sandpaper in a back-and-forth motion.

Sand the Remaining Parts of the Glue:

If there are still some remaining parts of the glue on the table, you can continue the sanding process to remove them with 1200 grits sandpaper. After a few strokes in one direction, change the direction of your strokes to create a crosshatch pattern. This will help remove the glue more evenly and prevent over-sanding in one direction.

Apply a Matching Wood Finish:

Select a wood finish that matches the original finish of the table. Apply the finish to the sanded area with a brush or a clean, lint-free cloth.

How to Remove Glue from a Table Using Acetone?

Acetone is a powerful solvent that can effectively dissolve many types of glue, including superglue and epoxy. However, acetone can also damage certain types of surfaces, so it’s important to use it with caution. Be sure to wear face masks and gloves first. Here are the steps to remove glue from a table using acetone:

Protect the Surrounding Area:

Place a drop cloth or a piece of cardboard under the table to protect the surrounding area from the acetone.

Test the Acetone:

Test the acetone on a small, inconspicuous area of the table to ensure that it doesn’t damage the finish. If the finish is damaged or discolored, do not use acetone.

Apply Acetone:

Apply a small amount of acetone to a clean, lint-free cloth.

Rub the Affected Area:

Rub the affected area of the table with the acetone-soaked cloth, using a back-and-forth motion. Apply light pressure and continue rubbing until the glue begins to dissolve.

Clean the Area:

Use a clean cloth to wipe away the dissolved glue and any remaining acetone. Avoid leaving any acetone on the surface of the table for an extended period, as it can damage the finish.

Clean and Dry:

Once the glue is removed, use a damp cloth to clean the area and remove any residue. Allow the area to dry completely before using the table.

How to Remove Glue from a Table Using a Glue Remover?

Here are the three steps to remove glue from a table using a glue remover:

Choose the Right Glue Remover:

There are different types of glue removers available on the market, such as citrus-based removers, alcohol-based removers, and solvent-based removers. Choose a glue remover that is suitable for the type of glue you want to remove and is safe for use on the table surface.

Apply the Glue Remover:

Apply the glue remover to the affected area of the table using a clean, lint-free cloth. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the specific product you are using.

Remove the Glue:

Allow the glue remover to penetrate the glue for the recommended amount of time, which may vary depending on the product. Use a scraper or a putty knife to gently lift the glue from the surface of the table. Be careful not to damage the surface of the table while removing the glue.

Remove the Residue and Let it Dry:

After removing the glue, use a damp cloth to clean the area and remove any remaining residue. Allow the area to dry completely before using the table.

How to Remove Glue from a Table Using Heat?

remove glue from a table using heat

Heat can be an effective method for removing certain types of glue from a table surface. However, this method is not suitable for all types of glue or table surfaces, so it’s important to exercise caution and test on a small, inconspicuous area first. Here are the steps to remove glue from a table using heat:

Heat the Affected Area:

Use a heat gun or a hair dryer to apply heat to the affected area of the table from a distance (2-3 inches). Hold the heat for 15 seconds and keep the heat source moving to avoid damaging the table surface or causing the glue to burn.

Scrape Off the Glue:

After applying heat to the area for a few minutes, use a scraper or a putty knife to gently scrape off the softened glue. Be careful not to scratch the table surface while removing the glue.

Clean the Area:

Use a damp cloth to clean the area and remove any remaining glue residue. Allow the area to dry completely before using the table.

Note: This method is not suitable for all types of glue or table surfaces. Heat can damage certain types of finishes or cause the glue to melt further into the table surface, making it more difficult to remove.

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Other Ways to Remove Glue from a Table:

In addition to the methods mentioned above, there are several other ways to remove glue from a table surface. Some of these methods include baking soda, lemon, salt, rubbing alcohol, etc. These methods may work better for certain types of glue or on different types of table surfaces.

Baking Soda:

Baking soda is a safe and effective household item that can be used to remove glue from a table surface. By creating a paste with equal parts baking soda and water, you can gently scrub away the glue residue without damaging the surface of the table. Baking soda is non-abrasive and won’t scratch or discolor the table, making it a great option for removing glue from delicate or porous surfaces.

baking soda

Lemon and Salt:

By combining the acidic properties of the lemon with the abrasive texture of the salt, this method can effectively dissolve and scrub away the glue residue without causing damage to the table surface. To use this method, cut a lemon in half and sprinkle salt on the cut surface. Then, rub the lemon and salt mixture onto the affected area of the table and let it sit for a few minutes.

remove glue from a table using salt and lemon

Petroleum Jelly:

Petroleum jelly, also known as Vaseline, can be used to remove glue from a table surface. Its oily texture can help to loosen the glue, making it easier to remove without damaging the table. To use this method, apply a small amount of petroleum jelly to the affected area and let it sit for several minutes. Then, use a soft cloth to gently wipe away the glue residue. Repeat as necessary until the glue is completely removed.

Things to Remember While Removing Glue From a Table:

When removing glue from a table, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that you do not damage the surface of the table or cause any harm to yourself. Here are some things to remember:

Test the Method First:

Before using any glue removal method, test it on a small, inconspicuous area of the table first to ensure it won’t cause any damage or discoloration.

Spot Testing is a Must:

Spot testing is crucial when removing glue from a table or any other surface. It involves testing a small, inconspicuous area of the surface with the glue removal method you plan to use to ensure that it won’t cause any damage or discoloration.

Don’t Scratch the Wood:

It’s important to be careful not to scratch the wood surface while removing glue from a table. Scratches can be unsightly and can also weaken the integrity of the table’s surface.

Don’t Put the Glue Remover on the Wood:

When removing glue from a table, it’s important to avoid putting the glue remover directly on the wood surface. Many glue removers contain strong chemicals that can damage or discolor the wood.

Acetone is for Unfinished Wood Only:

You should use acetone to remove glue from a table if only it’s made of unfinished wood. Acetone is a strong solvent that can dissolve the glue, but it can also damage the wood surface if used improperly. Acetone should never be used on finished wood, such as wood that has been stained or varnished, as it can strip away the finish and cause discoloration or damage.

Don’t Sand the Wood Surface:

While sanding can be an effective way to remove glue from a table, it’s important to be careful not to sand the wood surface too much. Sanding can remove the top layer of wood and weaken the integrity of the surface.

Call in the Pros:

If you are not confident in your ability to safely remove glue from a table, it may be best to call in a professional to do the job. A professional can assess the situation and determine the best method for removing the glue without causing damage to the table.


What is the best way to remove glue from a wooden table?

Generally, using a gentle method such as vinegar, mayonnaise, or orange peels, followed by sanding and refinishing the affected area, is a safe and effective way to remove the glue.

Will vinegar and baking soda help remove glue from my table?

Vinegar and baking soda may not be the most effective solutions for removing glue from a table, especially if the glue is particularly strong or has been on the table for a long time.

How long does it take to remove glue from a table?

Simple methods like using vinegar or mayonnaise may only take a few hours, while more intensive methods like using a glue remover or sanding may take several hours or even a day or more.

Can I use a heat gun to remove glue from my table?

A heat gun can be effective for removing glue from a table, but it should be used with caution.

Should I sand my table after removing the glue?

It is recommended to sand the table after removing the glue to ensure a smooth surface and to remove any remaining residue.

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